The 7th Continent is a term used to describe the accumulation of non-biodegradable plastic waste in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, forming small islands. As of 2020, it is approximately five times the size of Türkiye, covering an area of 3.4 million square kilometers.
The main source of the problem can be defined as the microplastics, too small to be visible, merging into the seas and eventually reaching the oceans.
Globally, 1 to 5 trillion plastic bags are consumed annually. Currently, only 30% of the produced plastic is in use, with merely 9% being recycled, 12% incinerated, and the remaining 79% (6.5 million tons) ending up in land, sea, and ocean, causing harm to nature.
If this continues, by 2050, there will be approximately 12 billion tons of plastic bottles in landfills and ecosystem areas, and by 2050, 99% of seabirds will have ingested used plastic.
In Türkiye, the per capita plastic bag usage was around 440 annually before the implementation of charges on plastic bags.
By the end of 2019, it decreased to 90, and the target is to further reduce it to 40 by 2025. However, plastic bags are just a part of the colossal problem we face. Microplastics are now present in our drinking water and enter our bodies through all the marine creatures we consume.
From now on, you can start by using cloth bags instead of plastic bags, avoiding the use of straws, and opting for reusable cups and utensils.