Olive Oil
Key Terms
What are Polyphenols?
Polyphenols are antioxidants that preserve olive oil healthy. A quality oil's burning sensation in the throat indicates that it contains of polyphenols.
Polyphenols, which are naturally found in plants, protect the body from cancer, slow aging, and boost immunity.
What is Oleic Acid?
It is the most common fatty acid in olive oil and is named after the olive (olea). It determines the oil's acidity.
Extra virgin olive oil should have an acidity of no more than 0.8%.
Contrary to common belief, acidity in olive oil is not a reliable predictor of quality and cannot be evaluated by tasting. It appears following laboratory testing.
What is Sensory Analysis of Olive Oil?
A product must first undergo chemical analysis before it can be labeled as Extra Virgin Olive Oil. (Acidity is at most 0.8%, and the peroxide level is at most 20).
After that, it has to pass through Sensory Analysis, which detects mold, moisture, rancidity, vinegar, and others. There should be no flaws, and the fruity, bitter, and pungent aspects should be noticeable.
What are the Enemies of Olive Oil?
Heat: The ideal storage temperature for olive oil is between 18 and 22 degrees.
Oxygen: Preserve olive oil covered to avoid direct contact with air.
Light: When exposed to light, olive oil deteriorates and loses antioxidants.
Olive oil can be used for up to 2 years without losing its flavor if stored in the dark, away from air, and at optimal temperatures.
Is the Color of Olive Oil Important?
The color of olive oil does not provide a reliable indication of the purity or quality of the product.
The variety of olives, the soil in which they are grown, and the methods of harvesting and pressing can all influence the color.
Olive oils obtained from the same tree may vary in color from year to year.
Does Olive Oil Freeze?
Olive oil can freeze at 4 degrees Celsius or lower and defrost if returned to room temperature.
However, like color, this is not a reliable sign of purity or quality. If your olive oil freezes, you can restore it to its previous condition by leaving it at room temperature for a while.
Can Olive Oil be used for Frying?
Compared to other oils, olive oil is one of the most suitable for frying. While its smoking point is usually about 210 degrees Celsius, butter has a smoking point around 110 degrees Celsius and sunflower oil at 170 degrees Celsius.
Given that we typically fry at temperatures ranging from 180 to 200 degrees Celsius at home, olive oil is one of the most suitable oils for this purpose.
Try using olive oil in your next frying experience to observe the difference for yourself.