In our rapidly consuming world, even recycling any product is no longer enough to adequately protect nature.
To protect our environment, the essential step before recycling is to reduce waste. In line with this goal, the zero-waste approach has emerged and is rapidly spreading in the lives of international companies and individuals today.
The solution is quite simple; we should try to eliminate the products we throw away and embrace the 5Rs, which are the main elements of the zero-waste lifestyle. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot (compost).
In our lives, we should now reject products we don't need, reduce what we need, reuse as much as possible, separate our waste, use recycling bins, and turn organic waste like food scraps into compost for our plants.
Instead of throwing away our resources, creating a system where all resources can be completely reintegrated into the system is not as difficult as it seems. We invite you to adopt the 5R lifestyle as well.